Sunday, January 24, 2016

Korean Bean Sprouts and a Perfect Egg

If you've ever eaten at a Korean restaurant, you were probably served lots of side dishes to accompany the meal. One of my favorite Korean side dishes is a bean sprout dish, or 콩나물 무침. I remember sitting with my mom picking off the roots of the sprouts so that she could cook them. It's not essential to pull off the roots- it just makes the dish look prettier. 

I was picky when I was little. There was a number of things I didn't like... and the list of things that I did like was probably shorter that the list of things I didn't like to eat. I loved this dish, but I didn't like the little bean at the top. I plucked off the yellow bean and gave it to my brother, who was far less picky. Since then, I've grown to enjoy the whole sprout, even the little yellow bean. What they say about taste buds changing every 7 years seems to be true, at least for me. 

Korean Bean Sprouts
1 bag of Soybean Sprouts (with the yellow head)
2 cups of Water
1 tsp Salt
1 clove Minced Garlic

1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper
1 tbsp Sesame Oil
1 Scallion
1 tsp Sesame Seeds

1. In a medium pot, place bean sprouts, water, and 1 tsp salt. 
2. Boil the ingredients for about 7 minutes, until the bean sprouts are cooked
3. Strain and rinse the sprouts in cold water. 
4. In a large bowl, place sprouts and remaining ingredients. 
5. Use your hand or chopsticks to mix everything well. Taste, and add additional salt if needed. 
6. Place in the fridge for the flavors to set prior to serving. I like these sprouts best after a day of sitting in the fridge.  

Perfect Egg
1 Egg 

1. Heat a small frying pan on low heat with a small amount of oil. 
2. Crack the egg into the pan, and allow it to cook slowly. 
3. Just before the white is completely set, remove the egg from the pan. The residual heat will set the white the remainder of the way. 

I love cooking my eggs this way. Although it's not as quick as if you turn the heat up, it keeps the yolk super soft and runny. A higher temperature would cook the yolk more thoroughly, which makes it grainy and crumbly. Keeping at this low heat and cooking it slowly lets the yolks set slowly, but also keeps the white from taking on color. 

I love to pile these onto freshly made, fluffy rice. It's so simple, but so amazing. This is a must-try recipe, and I encourage you to put it together- it's so quick and easy, and won't disappoint!

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